La actividad económica del Monasterio de Oseira a través de sus libros de cuentas (1814-1834)


  • Dolores Rivero Rodríguez Universidad de Vigo
  • Elena Gallego Rodríguez Universidad de Vigo
  • Asunción Ramos Stolle Universidad de Vigo


Throughout this study we have tried to learn about the economical situation in the Monasterio de Oseira (Ourense) during the years previous to the «Desamortización de Mendizábal»
(1814-1834) (Confiscation of Mendizabal). For this purpose, and in order to confirm if their economical capacity had come to an end or not, we used the information found in the
books of accounts of the different priories and the main house, which was deposited in different files. This information would justify the introduction of confiscating rules which
contributed to a change in the property of the grounds. The results we obtained allow us to conclude that the Trienio Liberal (1820-1823) marks the beginning of the decrease in the
monastery’s economy, situation which worsens years later, even though a recovery in the collections took place which was not reflected in the income obtained by the Monastery.


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