Artificial intelligence and gender bias


  • Amparo Alonso Betanzos Universidade da Coruña



Ethical Artificial Intelligence, Gender Bias, Algorithmic discrimination


We are immersed in a new revolution, an era of transformation driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI), which significantly affects the geopolitical
balance, societal norms and behaviour, the economy, employment, and education, generating constant changes in these areas. AI is a transversal discipline that is present in practically any field, from Industry, Health, or the Environment to areas related to the Social Sciences and Humanities. This omnipresence brings with it innumerable opportunities and opens new perspectives, but it also brings challenges, some related to certain ethical issues that can arise from the large-scale processing of data of AI algorithms. One of them is the possible appearance of gender biases, which may be because the operation of the algorithms has not been sufficiently examined in this sense, or that the training of the models has been carried out with historical data whose quality is not adequate, among other things. In addition, it is essential to consider that biases can also derive from
inequalities in access to technology, or from a lack of diversity in design teams. These factors can limit the holistic perspective and understanding of the problems, thus perpetuating prejudices and inequities in AI. It is essential to responsibly address these biases to guarantee ethical, trustworthy and fair AI. It is no less important to encourage diversity in the development and design teams of AI technologies so that different perspectives are reflected which can lead to more inclusive and equitable solutions.


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