La escuela, lugar de confrontación entre laicistas y clericales en la Galicia de entre siglos (1868-1931)
"The school, place of confrontation between secularism and clericalism in Galicia from 1868 to 1931".
Since the revolution of 1868, the clash between supporters of secularism against catholic clericalists will reach its higher level; the main cause of confrontation will be the control of education as a mean to shape the minds in orderto continue the ruling ideology. So, against the catholic schools, Ihe heterogeneous group of Galician liberals (masons, freethinkers, republicans, trade unions, agrarian associations, and the Galician inmigrants in America that will create associations to develop schools in their birthplace), will pro mote laic centres that in religious matters will act from the neutrality lo the anticlericalism.
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