La Junta y Regimiento de voluntarios de Lobeira


  • Juan Manuel Osuna Rey


The Fight againts the Napoleonic empire in the 'Peninsular War', elapsed in many d ifferent ways acco rding to each region, so we could speak of total occupation, partia l, u rban, tem poral or sporadic refering to the f rench. The ancient Kingdom of Galicia needed less than six months for make life i mpossible of two brigades of the frech Army commanded by two of his best fieldmarshals: Soult and Ney. And in a special way, Gal icia was being set free sta rting from the south of the region and d ue to the b rill iant work of one Ju nta that borns as a local district level a nd ends his work joining all the efforts of the Galician South (Tuy and Orense p rovincies), originati ng at the same time a Regiment that notably helped to the expulsion of the french; this is the History of the Ju nta and the Regiment of Lobeira.


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