Adaptation to water irregulariry Mediterranean using no coercive formulae: The example of "water of grace" in the Valencia huertas


  • Tomás Peris Albentosa


historic irrigation, irrigation ditch, huerta, Valencia, common pools resources (CPR's)


The compliance of the irrigation's regulation was not achieved only through coervice mechanisms (sanctions in the ordinances). Decrease the high conflict potential is also achieved with solidarity formulae.  A consensus restriction understudied were transfers of agua de gracia: grant, volutarily and free of charge, of a supplementary flow water to the needy areas,  provieded they were respecting the rules.

The article shows that this mechanism, ideal to mitigate the asymmetries between subgroups of irrigators and boost the agricultural intensification:

a) It was no peculiar of the Huerta of Valencia

b) Worked better in long irrigation ditches than in small systems.

c) Made possible to achieve high levels of hydraulic and agricultural efficiency.

d) Made possible to maintain water distribution by shift, avoiding the disadvantages resulting by shift, avoiding the disadvantages resulting from the strict tandeo between plots (rigidity in the assignment of the water and higher operating expenses)

e) Contributed to strengthen local autonomy remarkable


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