Situation and opportunities for socioeconomic development in a transboundary protected area. The case of the RBTGX


  • Martín Docampo Botana Universidad de A Coruña (UDC)



Biosphere Reserve, Cross-border cooperation, socioeconomic development, natural protection figures


In a context of intensive economic development, the pressure exerted on natural resources is increasing. For this reason, the figures of natural protection during the last decades have acquired an essential role when it comes to a correct duality between progress and the preservation of the environment. For this reason, throughout this study we will delve into the impact of these natural protection figures on the socioeconomic development of local regions. In the same way, we will try to examine what are the limitations and potentialities associated with this natural space. In this specific case, the protection figure that we will analyze is the Biosphere Reserve, applying to the specific case of the Gerês-Xurés Transboundary Biosphere Reserve. In the second part of the work, we will delve into the management and control processes of this Reserve, as well as its tourist capacity and attraction potential. For this purpose, we will proceed to list proposals in order to improve the attractiveness of tourist flows in the region of interest. In this way, the socioeconomic development of the municipalities of the Reserve will be favored.


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