Social Identity and values in Galician Society at the beginning of the XXI Century


  • José Romay Martínez



migration, identity, social values, globalization, social integration


Social identity and social values are the basic elements of people, groups and societies. The survival nation’s framework depends on.

All the above is speciaIy important in the XXI century, which is characterized by the effects of globalization in our lives. The strong inmigration flows with the aim of people looking for better economic oportunities and sometimes due the political situation in their country of the origin results in the advanced societies a new ethnic groups with different identities and values.

This new situation, mainly in Europe and USA, is a preferential theme for individuals, political parties and for Social Sciences that take into consideration different models and inmigration policies after having had similar experiences in the past mainly after the II World Ward and the decolinazation proceses.

But it will be the people and the different groups in contact who ought to do their adequate response of interaction in an open and multicultural society that aspire to an armonic life togheter.

The challenges are considerable because we are in a time where the iregular migratoric process by the quantitative dimensions became social and political important problems. Fortunatly the evaluation of the models and inmigration politices start to give us appropriate solutions.


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