The first broadcast between Santiago de Compostela and Buenos Aires


  • Jesús José Blanco Rosas Universidade de Vigo



Radiodifusión, Galicia, Historia, Emigración, Arxentina


First international broadcast connection between Santiago de Compostela and Buenos Aires, on December 19, 1932, was much more than a technical miracle with true social repercussions at the Galician level. In the area of communication, it was the starting point for the subsequent implementation of the first website for Galician radio stations, proposed for Unión Radio. On the other side of the sea, a reference was created in the collective memory of the Galician people of how radio media could effectively serve as an instrument to articulate the concerns and interests of all Galicians, by overcoming the barriers not only of physical distance but also of literacy with the magic of the word. At the political level it showed its effectiveness as a mass media, by
carrying the message of the Assembly of ProStatute Town Councils to all Galicians. But, it must also be recognized that these favorable contributions are perceived more clearly with the passage of time, while at the moment of producing. Then only certain newspapers especially interested in the dissemination of the event, El Eco de Santiago, in the capital of Galicia, and the magazine Galicia, in Centro Galego de Bos Aires, gave him the right amount of attention. In fact, not all the evaluations made after the transmission would be favorable, going so far as to describe certain journalistic reports as a resounding failure. Revealing data shown in this brief work with the purpose of offering a more vivid and real vision of how the event was experienced at the momet it happenned.


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Historia contemporánea de América