About the Journal

The Revista de Investigación en Educación (ISSN 1697-5200, eISSN 2172-3427) is a scientific journal published by the Faculty of Education Science and Sports of University of Vigo. This journal published Research articles, reviews and letters are accepted for exclusive publication. All manuscripts must be written in Spanish, Galician or English, which meet the requirements of scientific and methodological rigor of formal presentation properly. The study is the teaching and learning in different educational levels. This journal is multidisciplinary without A.P.C.

The Editorial Board of the Journal is not responsible for the opinions of the authors and their scientific opinions. The acceptance of the papers for publication, means that the printing and reproduction rights are owned by the journal. The conditions of use and reuse of content are those established in the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. The reception of papers is open during the months of April, May, October and November.




The Revista de Investigación en Educación adopts the Code of Conduct as a reference. It was established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for editors of scientific journals.

General commitments and responsibilities of the editors

The editors are committed to a constant improvement of the editorial quality of the Revista de Investigación en Educación to meet the demands and needs of readers and authors. So they make sure to guarantee the quality of the published material, ensuring freedom of expression and preventing commercial, economic or other interests from being above the intellectual criteria. In necessary case, the Journal of Research in Education is willing to publish the corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies that are accurate.

The Revista de Investigación en Educación will publish articles according to their suitability or scientific quality and will not seek an economic or political benefit in any case. The Journal defends universal free access to the knowledge.

Relations with authors

The editorial decisions of acceptance or rejection of a documents for publication, exclusively follow criteria of scientific relevance, originality, relevance and relevance in relation to the theme of the Journal. The editors are committed to ensuring the quality of the published material. The procedures for the evaluation are described in the web page of the Journal where a link to this statement appears. The authors will receive motivated reports of the all decisions made.

Relations with evaluators

The evaluators will receive a rubric form as an evaluation guide, where there is a link to this code of ethics. The evaluators identity will be protected forever and their anonymity is guaranteed like the authors. All material used in the peer evaluation process will be considered reserved and confidential document while it is being evaluated. The process of peer evaluation is described in the website of the Journal.

Claims and promotion of scientific debate

The Revista de Investigación en Educación undertakes to respond to complaints or claims received once the assessment process is concluded and resolved.

The Revista de Investigación en Educación will admit the publication of critical articles about previous items published, always they meet the criteria of editorial and scientific quality, offering also the possibility of rejoinder.

Academic integrity

The Revista de Investigación en Educación considers plagiarism and self-plagiarism unacceptable practices, we will take initiatives to check and ensure the originality of the shipments.

The Revista de Investigación en Educación guarantees the confidentiality of the individual information of collaborators, subjects of study, respondents, etc. of the investigations that are presented. The authors must have the relevant authorizations to reproduce images or provide data on people or commercial products. In any case, the author must always quote the origin of the sources used.

Follow up of bad practices

The Revista de Investigación en Educación assumes the obligation to monitor bad practices or inappropriate behaviours, both for published and unpublished documents, so that manuscripts that raise reasonable doubts will be rejected, and it is committed to reporting cases of alleged misconduct.

If you have proof that any published work present inaccuracies, distortions or manipulations interested, should be corrected immediately, removing those articles that have evidence of a fraudulent content. The readers and the indexing systems will be informed immediately, if necessary.

We will consider bad practices the simultaneous submission of a single manuscript to several journals, duplicate publication (or with irrelevant changes) of the same work, or the artificial fragmentation of the same work in several articles. These cases will be reported.

Conflict resolution

Potential conflicts of interest between authors, evaluators, or the editorial team itself, will be resolved through the necessary arbitration mechanisms. The Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences will understand the resolution of these and other conflicts, and will also ensure compliance with this code of ethics and good practices.


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