La traducción del comic: retos, estrategias y resultados.


  • Carmen Valero Garcés


Comics are a kind of literature that counts with an 1nteresting readership and that also needs translating (in 1997, 67 ,2 % of the offer in the market were translated materials). However, the transfer from one language to another entails certain problems. The translation of comics belongs to a specific type called 'constrained translation'. This type of texts has two characteristics when compared with the translation of a text where 'everything' we want to say is made explicit by means of words. Firstly, the message to be translated is not only based on written words. Secondly, the text may be under space constraints. These 'added' elements are not only part of the meaning but, and this is really important, they impose certain conditions. Other aspects are also problematic: The translation of onomatopoeia or representation of sounds which change from language to language, and the fact that in comic books the author play with the language as entertainment. Those are the problems together with sorne strategies and results I will deal with in the following pages.


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