Nineteen eighty-four en V for vendetta


  • Ángel Galdón Rodríguez


Orwell, Moore, V for Vendetta, Nineteen Eighty-Four, distopian


Regarded as one of the most important works in the world of graphics novels, V for Vendetta not only succeeded among the best comic titles, but also its adaptation as a movie has become a well known comic-based blockbuster. Alan Moore remarks the influence of the dystopian genre before building the plot for V for Vendetta.
The first aim of this research is to find the heritage from George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four as one of the most influential novels in both the comic and the movie.
Before that, a preliminary task is allocating Orwell's and Moores works into the dystopian genre and then finding topics that develop both plots. Totalitarianism, leadership, governmental control, alienation, cultural poverty, biased media, Party's antagonists, lack of goods and how the main character tries to escape from this “cage” are the topics we will have to deal with when reading Nineteen Eighty-Four and V for Vendetta. However, Moore does not solve them in the same way as Orwell did and highlighting those differences is our second main objective. The use of a comparative method helps to achieve these goals after reading both famous stories, especially among teenagers. 


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