Multiculturalidad y traducción de lij: minorías con voces propias


  • Isabel Pascua Febles
  • Juan Rafael Morales López


multiculturalism, translation, children's literature, ethic minorities, cultural references


The predominant ethnocentrism in the Youth and Children's Literature at the first half of the 20th century gave way to the new internationalist and multicultural trends. These trends were favoured to a large extent by the pacifist movement of che end of the Second World War. Nowadays multiculturalism is a visible reality in contemporary societies. The need of a natural integration has undoubtedly become one of the main problems that modern societies have to face. We certainly believe in the integrative, conciliatory and didactic role of Children's Literature as well as in its literary worth. That is why we consider that translations of multicultural children's books, carried out from an accurate analysis and reflection, can contribute significantly to the overcoming of interethnic prejudices. The starting point of our proposal will be the multicultural Canadian reality. For this we will analyse several Canadian children's books that give voice to different ethnic minorities and we will study some of the main difficulties in translating this kind of books. Likewise, we will deal with the validity of the Canadian experience and its possible reflection in our country.


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