From children's literature to border literature: Agustín Fernández Paz and Lygia Bojunga


  • Blanca Ana Roig Rechou


Agustín Fernández Paz, Lygia Bojunga, children's literature, young adult's literature, literature comparison, narrative


This essay sets out a comparative analysis, of a panoramic nature, of the children's and young adults' literature by two very significant authors in the Galician and Brazilian literary systems: Agustín Fernández Paz and Lygia Bojunga, respectively. They will be examined using the generational method of Karl Mannheim, which allows greater epistemological flexibility by basing itself more on sociopolitico-cultural processes, that is to say on the agents which operate in the communication of a literary system, than on chronologies and ideologies. Following the differences and, above all, the similarities, biographical aspects of both writers will be addressed, as well as a wide range of thematicform aspects which give body to their respective literary projects, with a particular emphasis on the commentary on the work of Fernández Paz. Among the various aspects to be noted, which signal the closeness of the two authors' works, can be cited the careful use of form and narrative registers, the exploration of the fantastical-realist trend, the intertextuality, the frequent use of peritexts, the female protagonism, the taste for taboo themes or the social criticism.


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