"Ouriolo" series: the movement from peripheries


  • Mónica Domínguez Pérez


Galician Children's literature, translations, literary history


The first translations of children's literature from Basque into Galician will be the focus of this analysis. These translations form the "Ouriolo” series, comprised of four picture books ¡llustrated by Asun Balzola. They present short texts of pedagogical intention. They were published in 1980, an era in which the study of Galician language became compulsory in schools. Although they present the same authors and peritexts, the four books have different models, which were innovative in Galician children's literature in that period. They also imply a reading itinerary from very simple to more complex texts. Although they didn't have an exceptional distribution, spread and critical reviews, they were relevant because they represented the beginning of the development of Galician and Basque children's literature. They also follow the co-edition way of publishing for the four official languages of Spain, which will be recurrent not only in subsequent years but in present times.

Given their peculiarities, these "fictitious” books, "written" in the universal language of illustration, have crossed language and cultural borders. We take the dialogic condition of all transtextual relation to make an approach to these motives.


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