About the Journal

Minius journal is a periodical publication of research Humanities field —themed miscellany of history, art and geography— eidted and managed by History, Art and Geography Department of Vigo University. Has been created in 1992, an annual number is regularly published. 

Minius is managed and admnistered by a drafting board, consisting of Department Board members and researchers from other universities. The journal also has an external Advisory Board, compound of Spanish and international distinguished university experts and researchers.

The bibliographic databases and directories in which it is included are: LATINDEX, DIALNET and REGESTA IMPERII. It is also indexed in the following impact indexes: CIRC, InDICEs (CSIC), MIAR (ub), Resh. Revistas Españolas de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (EPUC-CCHS7CSIC; E3C-UGr) and CARHUS + (AGAUR).


Rules for publication

  1. Articles should be submitted in Word format for Windows and should have a maximum length of 15,000 words, equivalent to approximately 40 din a-4, double-spaced, in Times New Roman twelve point font, including tables, graphs, maps, illustrations, notes and bibliography. Each text should be preceded by a page containing the title, summary of the article and key words, in Galician or Spanish and in English, name of the author(s), profession, place of work, complete postal address, telephone and e-mail address of the author(s).

  2. In addition, a blind copy must be submitted without data of any nature that would allow the identification of the author, including metadata of the file and self-citations in the text.

  3. The numbering of headings that refer to divisions and subdivisions of the text should use Arabic numerals, avoiding Roman numerals and letters.

  4. An excessive number of textual quotations should be avoided. If they do not exceed three lines, they should be enclosed in double quotation marks (""), in the same typeface and without italics, including the bibliographical reference in a footnote. Longer textual quotations should be placed in a separate paragraph, indented to the left and in 10-point font. A quotation within another quotation should be marked with single quotation marks ('').

  5. All papers must contain a final bibliographic list with the title Bibliography. References should be limited to the works cited in the work, with French indentation, and should be ordered alphabetically by the author's first surname and year of publication; if two or more works have the same author and year, they should be distinguished from each other with lowercase letters following the year and within the parenthesis. The following format should be observed:

    • Monographs:

      Artola, M. (dir.) (1978): Los ferrocarriles en España: 1844-1943, Madrid, Servicio de Estudios del Banco de España.

      Vilar, P. (1996): La guerra civil española, Barcelona, Grijalbo Mondadori.

    • Magazine articles:
      Pérez García, J. M. (1992): “El Catastro del Marqués de la Ensenada en tierras de León. Problemas y soluciones para su adecuado uso historiográfico”, Minius, 1: 167-169.
    • Colaboration in a collective work:
      González Enciso, A. (2006): “Spain’s mobilisation of resources for the war with Portugal in 1762”, en Bowen, H. V. e González Enciso, A. (coords.): Mobilising Resources for War, Pamplona, Eunsa: 159-190.
  6. Footnotes should be numbered correlatively in Arabic numerals and overhang the text (superscript); they should be composed with the specific option of the word processor. If a punctuation mark is used, it should be placed after the call number and never before (example1, example.1). Bibliographical references cited should be indicated in footnotes and in abbreviated form, stating the surname and initial of the author's name, in small caps, the year of publication and the page of the citation: Duro Peña, E. (1973): 27. Lucas Álvarez, M. and Lucas Domínguez, P.P. (1988): 298-299.

  7. The graphic material that accompanies the text must be numbered in Arabic numerals and correlative, each one of them with a brief title that identifies it, and its sources must be indicated. Tables or charts should be composed using the specific option of the word processor. The originals of graphs and illustrations should be presented in digital quality, and the former may be included in a computer file of any spreadsheet (preferably Excel); in this case it is recommended that the graph and the data table be presented on the same page.
  8. Authors will receive only one proof of printing. During the proofreading process, the text will not be allowed to be increased by more than 5%. Authors will undertake to correct the proofs within fifteen days of delivery.