Doctoral theses in Psychology since the adaptation to the European Higher Education Area
Doctoral Theses, Psychology, Spain, European Higher Education Area, EHEA.Abstract
The goal of this study was to analyze the scientific productivity in Psychology of Spanish universities based on the doctoral theses presented since the adaptation to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) (academic courses 2007/2008–2017/2018). We analyzed 3,493 theses retrieved through TESEO database, considering academic course, European/International mention, Psychology area, state/private university, auto-nomous community, and productivity ratio per community. The results showed a signifi-cant increase in the number of theses defended compared with previous years, according to the results of prior studies, which might indicate an improvement on the scientific productivity of Spanish universities after the adaptation to the EHEA. It would be advisable the performance of further studies in this line of research in forthcoming years, by using other indicators such as funding and facilities.
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