Evidence of validity the Modified Vocational Interests Questionnaire – CIP-M
Professional Interests, Vocational Orientation, Self-efficacy, Validity, Psychometric AnalysisAbstract
In Ibero-America, the Professional Interests Questionnaire (CIP) and its versions have been commonly used to identify preferences for carrying out activities to a specific study program. However, there is a lack of evidence of its psychometric properties in diverse population using multivariable techniques and also to corroborate its relationship with other variables of the Social Cognitive Carrier Theory model. The aim of this study is to validate a version of the Professional Interests Questionnaire. 412 students from the last year of secondary education participated in this study. The factorial analyzes corroborated the existence of fifteen sub-scales with a total of 145 items that explain 61,88% of the variance, a Cronbach’s alpha of ,945 and an adequate adjustment of the global model (RMSEA=0,061, GIF=0,92) as incremental (AGFI=0,90, NFI=0,86) which ratifies its validity and reliability. Significant relationships between the sub-scales and the self-efficacy dimensions for multiple intelligences are also confirmed. The study provides an appropriate instrument for individual vocational counseling and development of university admission and retention policies.
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