Participatory training for novice teachers. The case of the University of the Basque Country
Higher Education, Novice Teacher Training, Participatory Activities, Case StudyAbstract
The University of the Basque Country launched a program to train novice teachers according to the institution's strategic lines in 2017.
The aim of this study is to describe and understand what the participatory approach to the training program has meant for novice teachers in their academic development. The methodological approach is interpretative and articulated through the case study. In this research has been used in-depth interviews, portfolios and documental analyze where the participatory activities developed along training are gathered. The procedure of analysis has consisted in the construction of a category system in which the voices of the participants emerge. The results show that the participatory action through which the training has been approached has been significant for the novice teachers because they have been able to co-construct their own training itinerary, develop reflective capacity, learn with peer grouping and transfer what they have learnt. The study concludes that training designs in a participatory way can help to promote academic autonomy, reflective attitude, and researching about their teaching practices.
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