A Study of Understanding and Implementing Assessment as Learning in Science Teaching: A Case Study of Science Teachers in Indonesia


  • Didik Setyawarno
  • Dadan Rosana
  • Heru Kuswanto




Assessment as Learning (AaL), Indonesian Science Teachers, Science Teaching


This study aims to reveal science teachers’ understanding regarding ‘assessment as learning’ (AaL) and its application in science teaching and to propose some recommendations for optimizing AaL. The research approach used is a mixed-methods. The research respondents are 259 science teachers from several regions in Indonesia. The respondents were established by using the convenience sampling technique. The data were collected by using a questionnaire and through interviews in focus group discussions and document studies of science learning tools. Data analysis was carried out quantitatively and qualitatively. The quantitative analysis was in the form of descriptive statistics, while the qualitative analysis used the Miles & Huberman. The validity of the data was measured using a triangulation technique by comparing data from various sources. The result shows that science teachers in Indonesia still do not have a comprehensive understanding of ‘assessment as learning’. In addition, they have not been able to fundamentally distinguish between AaL, assessment of learning (AoL), and assessment for learning (AfL). This condition emphasizes the need for AaL guidelines as a teaching model so that they are able to understand AaL, AoL, and AfL and apply them effectively in science teaching.


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2024-04-30 — Updated on 2024-05-05


