On the operability (or not) of conversion as a lexicogenetic process in spanish


  • David Serrano-Dolader Universidad de Zaragoza




word formation, conversion, substitution, deverbal nouns, denominal verbs


Although conversion has traditionally been a neglected morphological phenomenon in Romance studies, this has not prevented heterogeneous criteria to delimitate conversion and apply it to Spanish. Equally diverse are types of derived words that have been described as the result of conversion processes in our language. I summarize the literatura on the very definition of conversion and the difficulties of trying to operate with such a process of word formation in what concerns the analysis of specific examples in Spanish. This paper focuses on how this lexicogenetic process has been applied to the description of some denominal verbs (plancha > planchar) and deverbal nouns (comprar > compra). Despite the fact that examples like these are the ones that have most frequently been regarded as instances of conversion, the analysis proposed here will show that, far from supporting the uncontroversial definition of the phenomenon, the applicability of conversion in Spanish gives rise to more loose ends and questions without consensus than to theoretical, analytical and descriptive solutions. Basically, conversion is troublesome because it is the result of trying to apply to the morphological description of Spanish (and other Romance languages) a process whose nature is much clearer and less controversial in Germanic languages, such as English (group (N) > (to) group (V), bottle (N) > (to) bottle (V)). I conclude that it is unadvisable to include conversion within the theoretical and descriptive apparatus of Spanish lexical morphology, being such a multifaceted, diffuse and fluctuating concept that even seems to go beyond the limits of word formation, sliding towards the more strictly syntactic or lexical components of language.


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How to Cite

Serrano-Dolader, D. (2022). On the operability (or not) of conversion as a lexicogenetic process in spanish. Hesperia: Anuario De Filología Hispánica, 25(1). https://doi.org/10.35869/hafh.v25i1.4193


