Factors involving the loss of dictionary users


  • Lidia Sala Caja Aichi Prefectural University




lexicography, user perspective, digitalization


Throughout history, lexicographic craft and products have evolved thanks to technology. The alliance strengthened with the incorporation of computers into dictionary compilation in the last decades of the XX century. Its benefit, though, stopped there and were not felt much by the finaluser, except for some Asian countries, where portable electronic dictionaries (PED) were further developed and popularized. This situation changed definitvely when internet access and mobile devices became ubiquitous worldwide. Users, immersed in the new digital environment, modifiedtheir behavior towards reference tools, which also had increased in number and types. Nowadays, it is possible to witness how this new generation of users has taken command of such tools and consequently adjusted their habits to them. For sure, they have been able to leave behind the hardness of a printed book look-up, but at the price of the dictionary itself. The purpose of this paper is to explore how users changed the values they held about dictionaries due to digitalization. To this end, the transition from paper to digital environments has been divided into three chronological periods, and qualities attributed to dictionaries are separated into those that lead to purchasing them and those that lead to consulting them. For each period, technical advances in electronic and digital dictionaries were recapped alongside research studies about user attitudes, beliefs, and consultation habits. As a result of such an overview, it emerged a clear picture of how dictionaries lost value to the user’s eyes and have been replaced by other reference tools. Finally, albeit a secondary goal, the paper also pursues to highlight the portable electronic dictionary’s role in electronic lexicography, a fact that is too often forgotten because it was used in a few faraway countries.


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How to Cite

Sala Caja, L. (2022). Factors involving the loss of dictionary users. Hesperia: Anuario De Filología Hispánica, 25(2), 89–112. https://doi.org/10.35869/hafh.v25i2.4321


