Géneros a medias: lectura folclórica, infantil y psicoanalítica del cuento tradicional "Elmedio pollito", en versión de Carmen Laforet
The publisher Cálamo believed the collection “Ilustrados Cálamo” in 2012 to be a good idea, bringing to light the unpublished version of Carmen Laforet about an anonymous story widely disseminated in Spain and Latin America. This version of Laforet, made on a trip to the United States, was written in a single day, probably making more use of the oral, popular memory of childhood remembrances than of his own creative art. The final study in the form of an epilogue by Roberta Johnson and her relations with the lacanian psychoanalytic analysis is of remarkable interest. I propose to compare the version of Carmen Laforet with other known versions of authors, both Spanish and Hispanic American, from the perspective of literary structure, fidelity to folk traits and psychoanalytic Reading.