Los préstamos léxicos del quechua en el DRAE


  • Rana Abul Fadl

Palabras clave:

Quechua, Loans, Lexicon, DRAE


When the Spanish people arrived to America, there were a few pre-Columbian civilizations. In South America, the incas —whose language was quechua— established the Empire of the Sun, which was extended from the coast of the Pacific to the Andes, and from Ecuador to Chile. The contact between the Spanish and the quechua – as two different languages – has led to influences in the field of the lexicon. In this article we mark the quechua loans incorporated in the 22nd ed. of the DRAE. We’ll study how it was adapted to the Spanish Phonetics, its semantic fields, beside its meanings in the different country. In the end, we noticed that although the quechua loans penetrated into the DRAE are low of number, it has a significant presence due to its wide use in almost all of the American continent


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