L2 reading and vocabulary development after a short Study Abroad experience
Study Abroad, reading development, vocabulary development, learning context, proficiency levelAbstract
This study explores the development of L2 reading and vocabulary as a result of a short (3-week) SA experience. Given the growing literature on Study Abroad (SA) research, this investigation attempts to shed some light on two rather under-researched areas such as L2 reading and vocabulary, and it does so with a group of adolescents (n= 52), a population often neglected by the SA research despite being one of the most common participants in SA programmes. The participants, Spanish learners of English (L2), were administered a placement test to determine their initial L2 level, a reading text (from which fluency and comprehension were calculated), the Updated Vocabulary Level Test to measure their receptive vocabulary knowledge, and a written essay to capture their productive vocabulary development in terms of lexical accuracy, fluency, density and sophistication. The results indicate that short SA experiences are positive for both reading fluency and comprehension as well as for receptive vocabulary development. Findings are not so positive in terms of productive vocabulary skills. Finally, results failed to show a direct relationship between gains in reading, and initial proficiency and vocabulary level.
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