About the Journal

Viceversa. Revista galega de tradución


ISSN: 1135-8920 | ISSN dixital: 1989-2853
Vigo University Press
Biblioteca Central – Campus Lagoas-Marcosende s/n
36310 Vigo (Pontevedra)
+34 986 812 235

Viceversa is an academic journal that adheres to the highest standards of peer review and engages both established and emerging scholars and professionals from around the world. It is a transdisciplinary journal focusing on a wide spectrum of scholarship and welcomes contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that intersect translation and interpreting as a whole.

Viceversa is a broad-based journal whose aim is to publish refereed, well-written original research articles, and studies that describe the latest research and developments in the area of translation and interpreting. All papers submitted to Viceversa are peer-reviewed by external referees.

The areas of interest of Viceversa include (but are not limited to):

  • History of translation and interpreting theory and practice
  • Theory of translation and interpreting
  • Development and use of translation and interpreting tools (dictionaries, glossaries, software, etc.)
  • Translators' reflections on their work
  • Critical reviews of literary and non-literary translations
  • Critical reviews of translation and interpreting tools


Proposals must be submitted in an editable document via the journal’s web page, where authors will also find the style guidelines for each of the journal’s sections: http://revistas.webs.uvigo.es/index.php/viceversa/about/submissions.



Viceversa accepts submissions year-round. Papers received by September 30, 2021, will be considered for issue 22 (2022).


Papers may be submitted in any European language but will be translated into Galician for publication. Viceversa will publish in its webpage both the Galician and the original versions.