Traducción e retórica contrastiva: pasado e perspectivas de futuro da investigación no campo


  • Francisco Javier Fernández Polo


Retórica contrastiva, Estudos de tradución


This paper focuses on the importance for translation of the findings of Contrastive Rhetoric, and offers a proposal for integrating them in the modern discipline of Translntíon Studies. After a brief summary of the theoretical tenets of Contrastive Rhetoric (aims, object of study, methodology...), reference is made to some recent studies in Translation Theory that have attempted to incorporate its discoveries. The paper argues that the position of Contrastive Rhetoríc in the field of Translation Studíes needs to be reconsidered in view of the latter's present-day bias towards description and explanation, and against prescriptivism. Rather than viewing it as a source of answers for translation practice, the paper suggests that Contrastive rhetoric be conceived as a generator of questions for Translatíon Studies. The author finishes by explicitly formulating some of these questions, a possible framework for future research in the field.


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Teoría e Historia da tradución