Translation Quality According TO "UNE-en ISO 17100: 2015" and the "Qualitrapo" Model: Towards New Roles for Students in Higher Education


  • Liliana Valado Fernández Universidade de Vigo



Quality, translation, ISO standard, Qualitrapo, patent


We analyse that the University of Vigo is a recent member body of the Spanish Standardising Organisation (UNE) with a representation in the Technical Committee for Translation (CTN 174). CTN 174 is responsible for the international standard «UNE-EN ISO 17100: 2015» in search of translation quality via processes applied to translation training. This link between university and translation standardising is an interesting investigation if we design the pedagogic processes depending on the terms and definitions included in the standard. As a result, our own translation «Qualitrapo» protocol is introduced as the theoretical frame of the «Professional Translation and Interpreting Action Protocol», a «patent» or utility model assigned to the University of Vigo.


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Teoría e Historia da tradución