Translation in the Spanish Publishing Sector: an Updated Report and a Comparative Market Study


  • Rafael Fortes Otero



Market research, Traslation market, publishing sector, editorial translation


Since there are not many studies that analyse the composition and operation of the publishing sector in Spain and then study in depth aspects such as who translates and how much is translated, we have prepared a report as up-to-date as possible on the situation of the sector. The report is structured in two well-differentiated parts and, in addition, includes a market study on editorial translation in Spain. In the first part, the composition and functioning of the publishing sector is explained and analysed. In the second, we study who are the people who translate, how much is translated, from which languages, what is being translated and the reasons why it is advisable to associate. Finally, we include the results of the questionnaire that we sent to five translator associations spread across Spain so that they would forward it to their partners; then we compare the results in this with the results of two questionnaires that had already been carried out previously.


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Teoría e Historia da tradución