Poetry Translation And Pragmatics


  • Marta Dahlgren University of Vigo (retired)
  • Carla Míguez Bóveda Translator




Poetry translation, pragmatics, equivalence, evaluation of translated poetry


This is a chapter commissioned by the editors of The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Pragmatics on the evaluation of pragmatic elements in published poetry translation. The original in English appears in a publication with a readership conversant with pragmatic terminology, which is the reason for there being no in-depth introduction to pragmatics. It explains the origin of the terms association and connotation and proposes their use in the evaluation of translated poetry, in the sense that association is community-based and that connotation is grounded in personal experience. The pragmatic terms relevance, inference and implicature are used for the appraisal of translated work. Practical examples are offered from translation Galego-English, English-Castellano and English-Swedish, where there is evidence of deviance from the original due to failure in pragmatic equivalence.


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Lecturas recomendadas

DOBRZYNSKA, T. 1995. «Translating Metaphor: Problems of Meaning». En Journal of Pragmatics. Vol. 24, pp. 595-604.

DONNELLAN, K. S. 1981. «Intuitions and Presuppositions». En COLE, P. (ed.) Radical Pragmatics. Nova York: Academic Press.

MATEO, J. 2009. «Contrasting Relevance in Poetry Translation». En Perspectives. Vol. 17, n.º 1, pp. 1-14.

WRIGHT, C. 2016. Literary Translation. Londres: Routledge.

Referencias bibliográficas

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