On est déjà dimanche ? Immigration Mediators and Assistants for Galicians in Mid-1960's France


  • Paula Moure Blanco




Emigration, France, Life stories, Natural translation, Antrhopology of translation


This paper is based on the life experience of 5 interrelated people who emigrated to France from the 1960s onwards, and it seeks to describe the relationship between the processes of translation and the mechanisms they used so as to overcome the communicative difficulties that they had to deal with.

A participant research was carried out in order to describe the naturalness of interactions and language learning, with the aim of clarifying the figures of mediation and natural translation. Thus, the figures of the mediators and assistants in this process are mainly highlighted, and it is concluded the importance of understanding the emotional responses of the people investigated in order to relate them to the didactic and translatological perspectives that allow to support the object of the study.



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