Análise de Subtitle legends como ferramenta de formación para a tradución audiovisual e multimedia
Translation, education, video games, audiovisual, multimediaAbstract
When it comes to the training of future translation professionals, there’s a lack of more tools to work with in the field of audiovisual and multimedia translation, as in that field professionals work with the product on screen and, therefore, traditional learning methods are not enough to recreate the way of working with real life texts in the same way as professionals do. In an attempt to offer new tools, a research group, in collaboration with a video game development studio, created Subtitle Legends, a tool that was created specifically to improve the skills in foreign languages and in translation. In this study, we’ll analyze the options that this tool offers for students, as well as its possibilities from the teacher’s point of view. Also, we’ll analyze some of the results we obtained when using this application in a small test that took place
in a class of postgraduate studies.