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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is 1.5 spaced; uses a 10 point font Palatino Linotype; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


International Multidisciplinay Journal CREA (IMJC) is an international scientific journal that publishes research and innovation articles, short communications, reviews, images, editorial comments and letters to the editor on all aspects related to the areas:

1. Sport, Health and Wellbeing.

2. Education, Social Innovation and Public Management.

3. Environment and Nature.

4. Art, Communication and creativity.


International Multidisciplinay Journal CREA (IMJC) is the official publication of Campus CREA (University of Vigo-Campus of Pontevedra) and publishes 2 regular issues a year in an online version. Manuscripts may be submitted in Spanish or English, following APA 7th Edition regulations. Authors are encouraged to consult the APA manual (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition, Washington, 2020; The texts must be written in an impersonal linguistic form and in them the use of discriminatory language in terms of gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnic and racial identity, disability, etc. will be avoided.



Manuscripts, which must be original, must be submitted electronically through the publication management web platform at the web address, where the information necessary to make the submission can be found. Once registered as an author, they must follow the steps indicated there. Questions regarding the submission of papers can be consulted at the electronic address ( The use of this resource allows to follow the state of the manuscript through the Web page. All documents will be presented in a single file (.doc) that will have line numbering and between document and document there will be a page or section break (cover letter, title page, manuscript, figures, tables). All documents  will have a line spacing of 1.5, with font Palatino Linotype and size 10. This magazine does not apply any publication charge.



All manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter indicating (see model):

1) Section of the magazine in which you want to publish the work;

2) Explanation, in a maximum paragraph, of what is the original contribution and the relevance of the work in your area;

3) Declaration that the manuscript is original and is not being evaluated by any other scientific journal;

4) Contribution of the authors. All authors must have made substantial contributions in each of the following aspects: (1) the conception and design of the study, or the acquisition of data, or the analysis and interpretation of the data, (2) the draft of the article or the critical review of the intellectual content, (3) the final approval of the version that is presented.

5) In the event that part of the article had previously been published in another journal, the details must be specified here and that the author and editor are in possession of the necessary publication permissions;

5) Existence or not of financing, and if so, indicate the person responsible for it.

6) That the instructions for the authors and ethical responsibilities have been taken into account, and that all the authors meet the authorship requirements and that all have declared the existence or not of a conflict of interest on the "title page".

The direction of the journal invites the author to read the declaration of authorship and the transfer of copyright from the tool itself, and obliges him to declare the existence or not of conflicts of interest in the text box created for it.


All manuscripts must be accompanied by a title page  indicating (see model):

Title. Concise and informative: The title is used in information retrieval systems (indexes). Avoid including formulas and abbreviations in it whenever possible. The title will be included in Spanish and English.

Abbreviated Title: It must contain a maximum of 70 characters.

Names and affiliations of the authors: Indicate the first and last names of each of the authors and make sure you provide them in the correct spelling form. After the English transliteration, you can add the names in parentheses in their original writing. Include the affiliation data of each of the authors (name and address of the institution in which the study was carried out) below the names. Indicate all affiliations using a lowercase superscript letter at the end of each author's last name. The same letter must precede the institution data. Provide the full postal address for each affiliation, not forgetting the country, as well as the email address of each author, if possible.

Corresponding author: Clearly indicate who will be responsible for receiving correspondence throughout the article evaluation and publication process, as well as after publication. This will also include answering questions about the sections of the manuscript. Please ensure that the postal and email addresses provided are current and correct.

Authors' Orcid: The orcid number of each of the authors must be indicated.

Declaration of conflict of interest: All authors must report any personal or financial relationship with people or organizations that could improperly influence (make partial) their work. Examples of possible conflicts of interest: being employed by the organization, consulting services, ownership of shares, remuneration, paid expert testimony, applications / registrations for patents and scholarships or other financing.



All manuscripts must be accompanied by a summary / abstract and keywords / Keywords (see model):

The abstract structured through headings should provide the context or background for the research and it should mention its purpose, the basic procedures (selection of subjects for the study or laboratory animals, observational and analytical methods), the main findings (providing the sizes of specific effects and their statistical significance, if possible) and the main conclusions. New and important aspects of the study or observations should be emphasized. Its structure will be conditioned by the type of work carried out.

After each of the abstracts (Spanish and English), a maximum of 6 keywords must be included, avoiding general terms, plural terms and multiplicity of concepts. Only abbreviations can be used as keywords if they are firmly established in the specialty that corresponds to the article. Keywords are used in the indexing of the article.




Each section has specific rules that must be reviewed. Research papers that deal with the following fields will be considered:

1. Sport, Health and Wellbeing.

2. Education, Social Innovation and Public Management.

3. Environment and Nature.

4. Art, Communication and creativity.


Authors must follow the attached manuscript model (see model):


Manuscripts that have the form of scientific work and contain the following sections: introduction, material and methods, results, discussion and bibliography. The length may vary, the maximum recommended being between 3,000-3,500 words (not including abstract, tables, figures and bibliography), which is equivalent to approximately 10 typed pages at 1.5 spacing (DIN A4), with font Palatino Linotype, size 10. A maximum of 6 tables and figures (diagrams, graphs or images) will be accepted. The number of bibliographic references will be limited to a maximum of 30 citations. The originals will be accompanied by a summary in Spanish and English of 250 words maximum. When the structure of the work and so allows, the summary should be divided into sections (introduction, material and methods, results and conclusions). At the end of this, between 3 and 6 keywords will be written. The figures will be attached in black and white / color, in separate files from the text, in TIFF format and at 300dpi (never mounted on a word, ppt or similar). It is advisable that the number of signatories is restrictive and does not exceed six. A call is made to the concise brevity of the exhibition and to the good writing of the articles.



These are articles that systematically show, select, criticize and synthesize the relevant evidence to well-defined questions about current issues in the journal's areas. Review articles may be requested by the journal editors. In the event that an author wishes to write an article of this type, he must contact the editor-in-chief directly and request it prior to sending the manuscript. Articles presented in this format will be reviewed by the editorial team. The maximum length of the manuscript will be 4,500 words and it will be written according to the sections: context, objective, acquisition of evidence, synthesis of evidence and conclusions). The abstract can be unstructured and will have a maximum of 250 words; 3-6 keywords will be included; up to 40 bibliographic citations. Up to a maximum of 6 elements between figures and tables will be admitted. The figures will be attached in black and white / color, in separate files from the text, in TIFF format and at 300dpi (never mounted on a word, ppt or similar). It is advisable that the number of signatories is restrictive and does not exceed six. A call is made to the concise brevity of the exhibition and to the good writing of the article.



For the sake of global brevity and to improve editorial quality, the presentation of individual cases is not contemplated. Only series of cases that integrate in a special way great expository richness, succinct presentation, teaching and / or exceptional rarity may be published in this section of the International Multidisciplinary Journal CREA (IMJC). The maximum length of the manuscript will be 1,200 words. The abstract will be structured and will have a maximum of 250 words. It will be written in two sections: Problem, casuistry and Comment. A maximum of 4 elements will be admitted between figures and tables. The number of signing authors will be restricted as much as possible, and it is not recommended to exceed 6. Figures will be attached in black and white / color, in separate files from the text, in TIF format and at least 300 dpi. The articles presented in this format will be reviewed directly by the editorial team, starting only if necessary the Editorial Process.



The articles included in this section may be free opinions or comments related to articles recently published in the journal, which are expressed as a reply or complement to works published in International Multidisciplinary Journal CREA (IMJC). The letters will be signed individually (at most by two authors). The maximum length of the text sent will be 600 words. Avoid making personal comments. No abstract or keywords will be included. If necessary to include images, it will be only one for each letter and in TIFF format at a minimum of 300 dpi. The letters are accompanied by 3 bibliographic citations.



The corresponding author will receive an email with a link to the article proofs in PDF format or with the attached PDF itself. The International Multidisciplinary Journal CREA (IMJC) address provides proofs in PDF that allow annotation. For this you need to have version 9 (or higher) of Adobe Reader, which you can download for free. With the tests you will also receive instructions on how to annotate PDF documents. On the Adobe website. you can check the system requirements. If you do not want to use the annotation function of the PDF, you can make a list of the corrections and send them to the address of the journal by email. For each of the corrections, you must indicate the corresponding line number. The proofs are sent so that the author can check the correctness of the layout version of the article in relation to the format, edition, content and accuracy of the text, tables and figures submitted. If major changes are requested at this stage, editor approval will be required. We will do our best to publish your article quickly and accurately. Please make sure you include all changes in a single email before submitting it, as we cannot guarantee subsequent corrections. Review of evidence is the responsibility of the author.



The text related to the guarantees and the transfer of copyright is reproduced below:

1. Author's guarantees and responsibility. The author guarantees that the texts, including any graphics, designs or illustrations (hereinafter, generically referred to as "the Works") that he submits to International Multidisciplinary Journal CREA (IMJC) for publication, are original, unpublished and of his authorship, and that they have not been previously published or sent simultaneously to any other publisher for publication. Likewise, the author guarantees, under his responsibility, that he holds all the exploitation rights over the Works, that in no case do they violate the rights of third parties and that, in the event that they involve the exploitation of third party rights, the author has obtained the corresponding authorization to exploit them and authorize their exploitation by the International Multidisciplinary Journal CREA (IMJC). Likewise, the author guarantees that the Works he submits do not violate the regulations for the protection of personal data. In particular, it guarantees to have obtained the prior authorization and prior written consent of the patients or their relatives for its publication, when said patients are identified in the Works or when the published information makes them easily identifiable.

2. Assignment of exploitation rights. The author assigns exclusively to the management of the journal with the power to assign to third parties, all the exploitation rights derived from the Works that are selected for publication in the International Multidisciplinary Journal CREA (IMJC), as well as in any of the products derived from this, and, in particular, those of reproduction, distribution, public communication (including interactive making available) and transformation (including adaptation, modification and, where appropriate, translation), for all forms of exploitation (by way of example and not limitation: in paper, electronic, online, computer or audiovisual format as well as in any other format, even for promotional or advertising purposes and / or for the production of derivative products), for a territorial scope worldwide and for the entire legal duration of the rights provided for in the current Consolidated Text of the Intellectual Property Law.


Consequently, the author may not publish or disseminate the Works that are selected for publication in the International Multidisciplinary Journal CREA (IMJC), neither totally nor partially, nor authorize their publication to third parties, without the mandatory prior express authorization, granted by written, of the direction of the Magazine.



A) Research works on the following fields will be considered:

1. Sport, Health & Wellbeing / Sport, Health and Wellbeing.
2. Education, Social innovation & public management / Education, social innovation and public management;.
3. Environment & Nature / Environment and Nature.
4. Art, Communication & creativity / Art, Communication and creativity.

B) The recommended designs are analytical type in the form of cross-sectional, longitudinal, case-control studies, cohort studies and controlled trials.

C) For controlled clinical trials, CONSORT regulations should be followed at http: //www.consort-statement.

D) Descriptive works of a retrospective type that do not include the appropriate statistical treatment will not be accepted.

E) The maximum length of the text of the manuscript will be 2,500 words that will be written in accordance with the sections described in the section "Formal aspects of the manuscript" and will include:

  • a structured summary in Spanish and English of no more than 250 words
  • between 3-6 keywords
  • up to 30 bibliographical citations
  • figures and tables footnotes.

F) Up to a maximum of 6 elements will be admitted between figures and tables per article. The figures will necessarily be attached in color, in independent files to the text, in TIFF format and at 300dpi (never mounted on a word, ppt or similar).

G) It is advisable that the number of signatories be restrictive and not exceed six.

A short concise call is made of the exhibition and the good writing of the articles.


  1. For the sake of global brevity and the improvement of editorial quality, the presentation of individual clinical cases is not contemplated.
  2. Only series of cases that integrate in a special way great expository richness, succinct presentation, teaching and / or exceptional rarity may be published in this section of the International Journal of Multidisciplinary CREA (IJMC).
  3. The maximum length of the manuscript will be 1,200 words.
  4. The summary will be structured and will have a maximum of 250 words.
  5. It will be written in two sections: Problem, Casuistry and Comment.
  6. Up to a maximum of 4 elements will be admitted between figures and tables. The figures will be attached in color, in files independent of the text, in TIF format and at least 300 dpi The number of signing authors will be restricted as much as possible, and it is not recommended to exceed 6.
  7. The articles presented with this format will be reviewed directly by the Journal Management, starting only if necessary the Editorial Process.


  1. The articles included in this section may be free opinions or comments related to articles recently published in the Journal, which are expressed as a replica or complement to papers published in International Journal of Multidisciplinary CREA (IJMC).
  2. The letters will be signed individually (at most by two authors).
  3. The maximum length of the text sent will be 600 words.
  4. Personal comments will be avoided.
  5. Summary, or keywords will not be included.
  6. If it is necessary to include images, it will be one for each letter, in color and in TIFF format at a minimum of 300 dpi.
  7. The letters will be accompanied by up to 3 bibliographical references

Privacy Statement


Data protection (RGPD)


The University of Vigo assumes the responsibility of complying with current legislation on data protection, guaranteeing the protection of personal information in a lawful and transparent manner in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and its free circulation (RGPD) and with the state, regional and university regulations on the protection of data of character personal. This document provides detailed information on the circumstances and conditions of the processing of personal data and the rights of interested persons.


Responsible for the treatment

University of Vigo

CIF: Q8650002B

Address: General Secretariat.

Rectory Building. Lagoas-Marcosende s / n 36310 Vigo, Pontevedra

Telephone: 986 813 600


Data protection officer

Pintos & Salgado Abogados S.C.P.

Address: Arteixo, 10, 1o izq., 15004 A Coruña

Telephone: 981227076


Purpose of the treatment

The University of Vigo will only collect the personal data strictly necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed, in accordance with the principles set forth in article 5 of the RGPD and will provide interested persons, at the time they are obtained. personal data, the information necessary to guarantee fair and transparent treatment, in accordance with the provisions of articles 13 and 14 of the RGPD.

The purposes of the treatment are protected in the public interest and in the provision of the higher education service entrusted to the University of Vigo through Organic Law 6/2001, of December 21, on Universities and other related regulations.

The data collected by the University of Vigo serves the purposes directly related to its powers and functions. In this sense, it will collect, process, store and use them to carry out its relationships with students, former students, teaching and research staff, administration and services staff, other users of the services it provides, as well as suppliers and other people. physical or legal.



The University of Vigo is entitled to process personal information in accordance with the principle of legality indicated in article 6 of the RGPD and, specifically, to:

Compliance with different legal obligations such as, for example, Organic Law 6/2001, of December 21, on universities; Royal Decree 412/2014, of June 6, which establishes the basic regulations for admission procedures to official university degree courses; Royal Decree 1125/2003, of September 5, which establishes the European Credit System and the system of qualifications in university degrees of an official nature and valid throughout the national territory; Law 40/2015, of October 1, on the legal regime of the public sector; Law 39/2015, of October 1, on common administrative procedure; Law 14/2011, of June 1, on science, technology and innovation; to Law 9/2017, of November 8, on public sector contracts, Legislative Royal Decree 8/2015, of October 30, which approves the revised text of the General Law of Social Security; Organic Law 11/1985, of August 2, on freedom of association; Law 16/1985, of June 25, on the Spanish Historical Heritage; Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, for the effective equality of women and men; Legislative Decree 1/1999, of October 7, which approves the revised text of the Law of the Financial and Budgetary Regime of Galicia; Law 2/2015, of April 29, on public employment in Galicia; Law 7/2014, September 26, on Galician files and documents; Law 1/2016, of January 18, on transparency and good governance; the Statutes of the University of Vigo etc.

The fulfillment of a mission carried out in the public interest: the University of Vigo is part of the institutional public sector and, therefore, the processing of personal data is necessary to provide the public service of higher education, as well as to exercise public powers conferred on the University of Vigo by Organic Law 6/2001, of December 21, on universities, by their statutes and by the rest of their own regulations.

The fulfillment of a legitimate interest: for example, for the correct maintenance of the relations of the members of the university community with the University of Vigo.

The fulfillment of certain vital interests of the interested persons or of other natural persons.

The execution of a contract in which the interested person is a party or for the application at the request of this of pre-contractual measures.

The processing of personal data, for one or more specific purposes, conferred by the person concerned.

Record of treatment activities

The University of Vigo is responsible for keeping a record of the treatment activities carried out under its responsibility. Said registry must contain what is specified in article 30 of the RGPD: name and contact information of the person in charge and the delegate of data protection, purposes of the treatment, categories of interested persons and personal data, categories of recipients / as, where appropriate, transfers of personal data to a third country when possible, the periods for deletion of the data categories and a general description of the technical and organizational security measures.

Likewise, each manager and, where appropriate, each manager representative will keep a record of all categories of treatment activities carried out on behalf of the University of Vigo.

Data retention

The personal data provided will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they are requested and to determine the possible responsibilities that may arise from the same purpose, in addition to the periods established in the regulations on files and documentation.

Recipients to whom personal information is communicated.

Depending on the type of data processing activities carried out, the University of Vigo may be obliged to communicate information regarding interested persons to different institutions, organizations or public or private entities, including recipients in third countries or international organizations.

The planned communications are identified in the record of treatment activities.

Likewise, personal data may be communicated to companies or collaborating entities, for example, to carry out external internships, so that, if there is no authorization to communicate the data in these cases, the service cannot be provided.

International data transfers

The personal information collected by the University of Vigo resides in Spain, but it is possible that it could be transferred to countries outside the European Union, for example, in the case of some exchange programs. If so, the University of Vigo undertakes to comply with the legal requirements established by Spanish and European Union regulations.


Rights in relation to personal data

Any person, as the owner of personal data, has the following rights recognized in the terms and conditions indicated in articles 15-22 of the RGPD:

  • Right of access. The interested person will have the right to obtain from the University of Vigo the confirmation of whether or not they are treating personal data that concerns them and, in this case, the right of access to personal data and for the purposes of treatment, to the categories of personal data , to the recipients to whom the personal data was communicated, in particular, to recipients in third parties or international organizations if possible, to the planned period of conservation, to the possibility of requesting other rights, to file a claim with the control authority, the existence of automated decisions or any information available on its origin.
  • Right of rectification. The interested person will have the right to obtain from the University of Vigo, without undue delay, the rectification of inaccurate personal data that concerns him. Depending on the case, you must provide the necessary documentation to prove the requested change.
  • Right to erasure (or right to be forgotten). The interested person shall have the right to obtain from the University of Vigo, without undue delay, the deletion of the personal data concerning him when they are not necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected; When you withdraw the consent on which the treatment is based in accordance with article 6.1 a) or article 9.2 a) and it is not based on another legal basis; When you object to the treatment in accordance with article 21.1 and no other legitimate reason prevails; when the personal data were unlawfully processed; when the data must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation; or when the data were obtained for offers of services of the information society mentioned in article 8.1.


A series of exceptions are regulated in which this right will not apply, for example, when the right to freedom of expression and information must prevail, for the fulfillment of a legal obligation, for reasons of public interest in the field of public health , for archival purposes in the public interest, scientific and historical research purposes or formulation of exercise or defense of claims. 

  • Right to limitation of treatment. The interested person will have the right to obtain from the University of Vigo the limitation of the data processing, both temporarily and permanently, when he challenges the accuracy of the personal data; when the treatment is illegal; When the university no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the treatment, but the interested person needs them for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims; and when you oppose the treatment according to article 21.1.
  • Right to data portability. The interested person will have the right to receive the personal data that concern him (which will be provided to the University of Vigo in a structured format, of common use and mechanical reading) and to transmit them to another person responsible for the treatment without being prevented by the University of Vigo when the treatment is based on your consent or is carried out by automated means.
  • Right of opposition. The interested person will have the right to oppose at any time, for reasons related to their particular situation, that the personal data that concerns them be subject to a treatment based on the provisions of article 6.1 letters e) or f), including the preparation of profiles on the basis of those provisions. The University of Vigo will stop processing personal data unless it proves compelling legitimate reasons or in the exercise or defense of possible claims.

Exercise of rights

The interested person may exercise their rights at no cost and will have the right to receive a response, within the deadlines established by current legislation on data protection, by the following means:
  • Through the written request, signed and presented in the registry of the University of Vigo or in one of the registries or post office referred to in article 16 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, addressed to the Secretariat General of the University of Vigo. Along with the application, you must provide a photocopy or scanned copy of the ID or passport. In case of acting through a legal representative, you must also provide the ID and the document proving the representative's presentation.
  • If the University of Vigo has reasonable doubts regarding the identity of the natural person making the request, it may request the additional information necessary to confirm the identity of the interested party.
  • The University of Vigo must satisfy the rights without undue delay, and in any case, it will respond to requests within one month of receipt. This period may be extended for another two months if necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of requests. The interested party will be informed of the extensions within a month from the receipt of the request, indicating the reasons for the delay.
  • In any case, the interested person may direct their request to the data protection delegate at the email
  • Likewise, if the University of Vigo does not process the interested party's request, it will inform them without delay, and within a month at the latest, of the reasons for their failure to act and of the possibility of filing a claim with the Spanish Data Protection (AEPD) at the web address


Security measures

The interesteThe University of Vigo is committed to protecting personal data by applying the necessary security measures in accordance with its information security policy. It will take into account the state of the art, the costs of application and the nature, scope, context and purposes of the treatment, as well as the risks of variable probability and severity for the rights and freedoms of the persons concerned. Both the University of Vigo and the different processors will apply appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee a level of security appropriate to the risk and in accordance with the provisions of article 32 of the RGPD.